Pine Rock Construction: Building Stronger, Safer, and Sustainable Homes.

Hi! I'm Brent.

Brent Salazar, President of Pine Rock Construction, brings multigenerational experience to serve the wonderful community of Northern Arizona. Living in Parks, AZ, with his wife and two dogs, Brent embodies the spirit of Pine Rock, combining a love for family, community, and the great outdoors with a dedication to building exceptional, sustainable homes.

Our Ethos

Our ethos is centered around constructing not just any structure, but creating thoughtful, sustainable homes and buildings that stand the test of time.

It’s not just about building; it’s about creating legacies of sustainability and well-being. From the choice of materials to the implementation of energy-efficient designs, every aspect of our work reflects our commitment to excellence and sustainability.

Why Choose Us



Our clients have full visibility into all costs and markups, detailed on every invoice.


Clear Communication

We provide a single point of contact to an onsite project manager exclusively dedicated to overseeing your project.


Resilient Construction

The details you man not immediately notice are crucial. Today’s high-performance homes are engineered to withstand bugs, fires, UV radiation, outdoor temperature fluctuation, hail, ice, and water damage.


Health & Comfort

Enjoy continuous fresh filtered air, chemical-free materials, rapid hot water, constant heating and cooling, soundproof walls, and circadian lighting throughout your home.


Custom Design

Whether you are seeking fully custom designs or opting for commercially available options, we’re committed to realizing your vision. Specializing in residential construction, we craft exceptional living spaces that marry beauty with functionality. From modern to southwestern or rustic cabin styles, our team of craftsmen is dedicated to bringing your preferred aesthetic to life.